Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Week 47 - One Year Left?

 Hello All, how are you? Hope you are enjoying summer. This week has been good as always. 

1. One year left?
2. Exchanges
3. Spiritual thought

1. I hit 11 months this coming week which is kind of weird to think about. You may be asking, "Then why would there be 1 year left?" Excellent question. So, I don't know if I've already explained in here but I will do so again. My official release date is Septermber 12th, 2023. However, my official first day of School at BYU-I is September 11th, one day earlier haha. But, the move in date is on the 8th and so I'm looking at getting home sometime in August. I will know when exactly I will go home at some point in the future. I could go home during the transfer or just go home the whole 6 weeks early. Which 6 weeks earlier, would put me at getting home on August 1st, 2023. Mind blown. So, I don't know what I want to do yet, and I probably won't decide for 6 months or so. What's kind of weird for me too is that if I did go home on the 1st I would be only 19 when I finish my mission. So young. Anyway, I've been a little more trunky because of that this week. Also, I've gotten Star Wars songs stuck in my head the past few days. The reason being that Elder Johnson showed me a cool way he makes Lightsaber noises. That night a member showed us this cool think he got at Comic con where you could take a lightsaber picture (see below). It's a little plastic thing that he holds up and takes a picture with the flash on. I'll see if we can have a picture of us dueling next time. But I guess it just went into a Domino effect. My family is also in Park City right now. But it will be ok. I'm pretty sure every missionary is always at least a tiny bit trunky. 

2. Exchange's is where you switch comps for a day. We are going to have more exchanges than usual this transfer because Elder Johnson is a new missionary. Anyway, it seems like there is always at least some kind of story when you go on exchanges. Some are better or more memorable than others. This exchange had a story for the books. Elder Brown and I were at Lindo Lake going and talking to people. I heard some distant shouting that grew louder. Eventually we came up to where this lady was swimming in Lindo Lake, which btw is a really gross lake. There was the Park rangers and police there, and a decent sized crowd of people filming the scene. The lady was yelling at everyone saying that since she was homeless the park was her home, and therefore we were all on her property. She was yelling " F- off!" and daring us to "come and get me Mother Truckers" (She said something else). When we walked closer to the crowd people were like "Pray for her!" and also told us to jump in and save her. The lady was probably on drugs or something. We didn't do either because it didn't seem appropriate. People we're filming everything and we were just like "We're gonna let the authorities handle this one". But my favorite line was one lady in the crowd who said "It's so bad that not even the Mormons will pray for her". We continued on and watched from a distance to see what would happen. Eventually the exchange ended and we had a lesson. Didn't see what happened, but she was in there for at least like 30 minutes to an hour. 

3. I'm overtime now so I'm gonna not do a formal spiritual thought. But this is a video we've shared with some members, that I would encourage you all to take to heart.

Love you all!

- Elder Wride

1. Lightsaber
2. Temple this morning

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