Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Safely Arrived!

Two pictures of Hyrum from the San Diego Mission facebook page! He arrived safely yesterday - "safe" with masks on - 

And with smiles showing - 
With his two companions, Elder Darian Ferry and Elder Ben Palmer - 
And one more pic from the day after he arrived/today - at New Missionaries Orientation - "In this meeting we share the culture of the mission and guidance about housing, cars, nurses, and of course, missionary work❣️"

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Week 3.5 - San Diego


My new P day is Tuesday, so I thought I would send a quick email which covers a half week.

1. End of MTC
2. To the Airport
2. San Diego
3. Message for District 19-D

1. My last couple days in Provo were kinda sad. The MTC was a good time and I miss it, and my District. On Sunday we had a District testimony meeting, which was really good. Seeing everyone's testimony grow throughout this process has been really cool. And I know my testimony has grown a lot from them. Monday we just did packing, and other recreational stuff. It was sort of another P-day.  And then this morning was goodbye to the rest of the District. At 4 AM I said bye to my comp who is going to Vegas. Funny, I actually miss him less than everyone else. I still love him and he's the best, but I have spent enough time with him. Saying bye was more like a "See ya, have fun!". Everyone else left throughout the morning. But I keep thinking about the scripture Jacob 7:26 "the time passed away with us, and also our lives passed away like as it were unto us a dream". It really does feel like a dream and it's kind of weird. I do miss it.

2. And then around 10 this morning I was off to the airport. We took the train up to the airport and it took like an hour. While I was on the train, my Mom messaged me asking me like how I was getting to the airport and whatnot. I thought she was just like being a protective Mom and wanted wanted make sure I was all good. But then, I get off the train and she just appears out of nowhere. My parents just tracked me down and appeared as I was switching trains. I was kind of caught off guard, but it was really sweet, and I loved seeing them. They stayed at the stops and I was off again. The flight was 2 hours, and I had to endure without being able to watch movies. I didn't like it.

3. Being in San Diego feels weird. I'm not quite here mentally, I've only been here for a couple hours, but so far it's been alright. It hasn't been bad, I just don't really know whats going on. Once we landed, I met My Mission President, President Giménez, who fun fact was a Seventy, and actually spoke in Conference April 2020. Then I just hopped in a car with my comps, (I'm in a trio) and got some food. I then found out that we were giving away the car later and switch to bikes. Not super excited for that  but its fine. One of the Elders in a biking area broke his arm so they're using the car we had. So we'll see how that goes. But yeah since then I've been at the apartment just chilling.

4. Last point. So in my District in class, we watched the District, which is like the show I talked about last email. And I promised to find some of the people in the show. So, this is a message for my District, so if you're not from my District you won't really get it but you can read it, whatever. But anyways, I have a lead on German. I asked my comps and they know who he is. He's in a different area, but eventually I'll get a picture with him so stay tuned for that. 

This was a shorter email, it only covered like 3 days. But, I invite you all to prepare for General Conference. If you prepare a little bit and come with questions, it will be a lot more meaningful. So that is exciting. 
That's pretty much all for me. Have a good week.

1. Flight
2. Breakfast without the District
3. Artistic Picture
4. General Conference Meme from Elder Ethan Wride
5. Jacob 7 Scripture
6. Sunday Night with District

Elder Wride's Departure

Elder Wride's mother here with a story about today: 

Lily stayed home from school today because she was feeling a little unwell. And around 9 am I realized - "Hey! I can leave! I am going biking!" so I loaded up my bike, put Lily in charge, and headed out to corner canyon. When I was in the car on my way, I got a text from Hyrum, letting us know he was on the frontrunner train and leaving his MTC experience behind. It was around 10:30. I had thought it might be fun to go see him, and since he texted giving us an update, I thought maybe he wished we might? I was on my way south though... maybe I can go by the South Jordan station and wave to him... Corey was up in Logan but on his way back from a meeting he had up there. I thought of what was the correct thing to do as I continued to drive toward my bike ride in the beautiful fall mountains. Then I pulled over into a church parking lot. Sigh. Ok, what are we going to do... This is my last chance to see Hyrum for two years, or I can go biking. I really wanted to go biking, as the fall colors have been yelling at me "HURRY!! BEFORE WE'RE GONE!" but seeing H was also a one and only opportunity. Corey called and we talked about what to do. I figured out what train Hyrum was on - leaving Provo Central at 10:53. That would put him down town at the North Temple Station at 12:02. He was supposed to get off there and then take the green line trax to the airport. I sent Corey the link of North Temple Station. Corey could get there at 11:55, and I could too. Ok, let's do it. I turned around and was back home at 11. I changed out of my exercise clothes and told Lily my new plan. She didn't mind if I took D&P but she didn't think she should go, she was feeling really light headed. D&P didn't want to go, so fine, I got them lunch and then left them in Lily's charge again. Corey and I arrived at North Temple station at the same time, found a place to park, and walked over to the frontrunner drop off. At 12:02 the train came. Hyrum had mentioned that there were like 20 missionaries on the train with him. I looked for a big group of sharp looking young men in suits. There were some sisters with them too, but it's the white shirts and ties that stand out more. I saw missionaries unloading from the train and then I saw him!! This will be fun to surprise him. He's the blue mask on the left -

I walked up to him - "Hi Elder! Can we help you with your luggage?" Hyrum said "What the!?!? How did you get here?!?! How did you find me!?!" Corey said "We're always watching..." We helped him take the elevator up to the green line. I got another match - another missionary on an escalator!
(Joseph and Ethan's departing missionaries on escalator pic are there - someday I'm going to make a memory matching game with different-but-alike family pictures) Group selfie - 
Visiting briefly as we wait for the green line trax
And then he was boarding through the yellow doors - 
Our "last" photo of Hyrum!! Bye Hyrum! We love you!!
And then we watched the train until it was out of sight. He texted from the airport "I loved seeing you guys, That was a tender mercy" so that made me happy about the missionary>biking choice. When we were getting ready for scriptures tonight at 8:40, Hyrum texted that he was alive and could call if we were available. He had arrived safely in San Diego and is in a trio companionship where he'll be for the next few weeks.
His p-days are Tuesdays, so we've got three missionaries with three different p-days - we'll be talking to Eth on Mondays, Hyrum on Tuesdays, and Mel on Wednesdays. Fun fun!

Saturday, September 25, 2021

Week 3 - District


The Email title is referring to both my District, and the show because they're both part of the email

1. My District
2. Trials of Being a Missionary
3. The 21st Night of September
4. Spiritual Thought

1. So my District has gotten a lot closer in the past week and a half or so. It just feels like everyone is being more open now which is really nice. We also play volleyball. I never really used to like volleyball, but it's fun. I may or may not have kicked a volleyball into the ceiling of the gym, and almost made a ceiling tile fall. It's sideways, so it's only connected by the opposite corners diagonally. So no harm done. On Wednesday after volleyball, we put volleyball a bit close to class, so we had like 25 minutes to get to our room, shower and change and go to class. But I was just a mess. I cannot rush myself. After the shower, I forgot to close the bottle to my body wash, and didn't know I spilled all over the bathroom stalls and on my clothes, I put on my garment shirt backwards, and it was just terrible. So we had like 30 seconds till class started, so me and my comp were going full speed. At this time, all the new missionaries were arriving, and we passed by them. I'm glad I could be a good example to them, running to class with my shoes untied, with all my stuff barely together. So it was not good. Another funny small bit, the other Elders in our residence are really loud, like they're screaming while we're all going to bed. And one of the Elders in my district said "We should invest in some pepper spray and or tasers, so we can enjoy they're screaming." The execution of it was just pure gold.

My companion and I are doing good, Elder Hardman. We have that back and forth banter a lot. He kind of looks like Ben Shapiro with glasses on. 

2. This small part I just want to talk about the trials of being a missionary. We are sooo entertainment deprived. Like, during class once, our teacher put on The District, and like it's so good. It's like the missionary version of a reality TV show. Like one missionary got mad at an investigator for not getting the lesson, and said that they weren't respecting their time. The drama is too good. Also, I miss my Family and all, but I haven't been able to listen to my music playlist in 2 weeks. I'll get a song in my head and it just never leaves. I have like 6 different songs stuck in my head right now. Spongebob Closing Theme, Robin Hood Whistlestop, Revenge by Captainsparklez, Napoleon Dynamite Theme, the list goes on. Just so my family knows, the night I get released, we are watching Nacho Libre.

3. This Tuesday was the 21st Night of September. We sang that throughout the day, and I do remember it. But every Tuesday we have a Devotional, and that night, Elder Gerrit W. Gong came and spoke. It was sick. The talk was titled "Prepare Every Needful Thing". I'm sure it's up somewhere so you can listen to it or something. But my favorite part was after, he shook every missionary's hand. I was near the front and I was in line for like 15 minutes or so, he was there for at least an hour I'm guessing. Probably more. He just really emulated that principle of One by One. 

4. So last week I wrote that I wasn't doing great, and the turning point probably would've been last Sunday. After church, we had a "Go & Do" Experience. Basically, we had 2 hours to go study, ponder, or pray, with the goal to feel God's love and come closer to him. But from 1 Nephi 4:6, we were completely "led by the Spirit, not knowing beforehand the things which I should do." I spent most of the 2 hours going over Christ's last moments on Earth from the Book of John. And near the end, I still wasn't feeling or getting what I wanted from the activity, so I decided to play my favorite Hymn, Consider the Lilies. It was sort of to calm me down because I felt like my mind was racing, and I was just trying to feel God's love. When it got to the line "Consider the Sweet, Tender Children, who must suffer on this earth." And I just started crying. I was still a little homesick, and thinking about my little siblings just made me cry. I want the best for all those little kids, and would be so sad if they didn't make it to the Celestial Kingdom. And I then sort of realized that that was how God feels about us and I was flooded with the Spirit.

That's it for this week. I go to California and my P Day will probably change, but I will send an email for week 4. Remember who you are. Don't give up on your dreams. Wear your seatbelt.

1. 21st Night of September

2. District Pic (My Comp is the Weird One in the Middle)

3. I get this a lot

4. They threw a roll at my head (Hyrum's mom here, this was a video but I couldn't access it)

Saturday, September 18, 2021

I Hate Haircuts - Week 2

Hola mi amigos. I switched from Online MTC to Provo MTC this past Wednesday, I think I like online better. I am currently in the MTC's Industrial Laundry machine room, and the keyboard for this computer sucks. Like the keys are weird and resist me pushing them. Anyway, this week wasn't as great, but I'm fine. This email is going to be like a long essay, so you don't have to read it, it's more for recording and my parents. Also, I apologize, I feel like a lot of the things I say on here do not make sense, but I'm tired, so just interpret it in the best way.

1. BYU/Utah Football Game
2. Last Days with the Fam and Haircut
3. First days in Provo
4. P Days are No Day of Rest
5. Spiritual Thought

1. So, last Saturday when I had P-Day I went to my parents house because I didn't have as much going on. Well, I have had confirmation about why doing Online MTC was better at home, because my gosh. I don't remember being not caring that my 3 older siblings were leaving for 2 years. If they remember me not caring about them leaving they can correct me. I do remember one time when Joe called on Christmas, and we were upset because it interrupted our game of Super Smash Bros, so sorry. Anyway, I'm kind of just at home, trying to find someone to hangout with, and then my parents are leaving to go out on a date, so all the kids want to watch a movie. And like they're wanting to watch Clone Wars? Seriously? They've never previously cared. But fine, whatever, I go upstairs and watch the Chosen. And then like later after listening to Clone Wars for like 2 hours, I go downstairs and turn on The Fighting Preacher so I can watch too. And then halfway through I get sent back downstairs so they can watch the BYU/Utah game. And like WHAT??? Are you kidding me?? I just think its so stupid that the first week in my life that I can't watch Star Wars, or football, all my siblings start caring about it, but before, when I wanted to watch Clone Wars or something, no one else wants to. So I got sent downstairs and tried to sleep as my family was cheering for the game. It was a tragedy. 

2. Sunday I went to Church with the Family, and then went back to my Grandparents for more class. There the kids also wanted to watch Pink Panther instead of spend quality time with their brother they're not gonna see for 2 years, but it's fine. Monday was my last day of class, so I went back again. And no one is surprised, the last day I was at home I went to the Temple with my Mom and Grandpa and then just kinda sat around. Everyone was at school, so yeah. We took pictures at the park and played some soccer and then went to bed. The next morning, I got a haircut. And per the name of the email, I hate them. I don't know what it is, I just feel like I look like Shrek's cousin when I have short hair. Also, haircuts aren't even enforced any more, it's like a recommendation. So I won't grow it too long, but I hate how I look so I ain't keeping it. Unless my Mission President makes me. Anyway, I started packing and was out by 10:30. The plan was we would pick up kids and to head to Provo to Golden Corral and then drop me off. Owen and Natalie couldn't even be bribed to come down through free food. They wanted to go to recess. But it's fine.

3. So we ate good food, spent time with the Family, and then drove to the MTC. I kind of think it was intentional, but my Mom started putting on sad music on the drive. I started tearing up thinking about how my childhood was really over and I wouldn't see my Family for 2 years. We got to the parking lot, gave hugs, and I was off. The first 30 minutes, I was just like going from table to table talking to random worker people. It seemed kind of pointless because everyone just asked me my name and mission and then I was qualified and moved onto the next table for them to ask me the same questions. After that, I met the Elders we were rooming with, my Companion in person, and we went to class to meet our whole District. My District is kind of awkward, but we're getting better at getting to know each other in person. But since then pretty much every day has been the same. We exercise, study, class, with food in between. Also, I am a Senior companion! My Companion is the District leader, so that's why, but I like having authority.

4. So P Days being a Day of rest or preparation is a joke. It's 5:00 and it's the first chance I've had to take a breather. We woke up, showered and changed, and then went to class with our temple clothes because we have class from 8:30 to 11:30. After that, we had to eat lunch and be at the temple for a 12:30 Endowment session. That was good, no one has a bad experience at the temple. But I almost fell asleep. I hope the Adam and Eve skit doesn't get boring because it's like Peter wanting to watch Dinosaur 3x a day. But I kind of felt that today during the session. Anyway, that didn't end till 3. Afterwards, we went to a District Council meeting and had a testimony meeting. That was actually really nice, we all talked about why we're out here, and I think we got closer from that. After, we went back to the dorms, and came to do Laundry. We spent like 30 minutes trying to get detergent, because they didnt have any in the laundry room, so we went to the store, but then they didnt want us to pay with cash so we had to run back to get a card, and it was dumb. But today I still have to write a talk for the Sacrament meeting tomorrow. And then help prepare stuff because I'm kind of like my companions unofficial first counselor to him being District Leader. 

5. This week has been more rough I would say. I said bye to the family, and I was just more comfortable Online. And I know it's good to be stretched, but I wonder if I should've just done it online. One of my goals before the mission was to be able to get better at living in the moment and like to recognize that I'm having joy, but I've never really done that. But throughout all Online MTC I felt like I was happier. I think I'm just more comfortable being by myself because I'm more introverted, but now I have to stay with my companion all the time, and like I always have to perform. I really needed a refresher, and today didn't help as much as I had hoped. But my spiritual thought is "Let Us All Press On". I think the MTC in person is better for adjusting to missionary life as far as being used to being with the companion all the time and whatever. But, life goes on. The last part of Earth Life and following the commandments is "Enduring to the End". I remember when school would never end, but now it's over. And I remember when working in the summer would never end, but now it's over. Life is but a small moment, so Let Us All Press On and try to find Joy in the Journey. 

I know this email was long, so I'm sorry. I also realize I did not include any pictures so sorry. Some of these are from last week.

- Elder Wride

P-day call with my mom and little brother Daniel, who likes to use filters.

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Provo MTC

Hyrum entered the Missionary Training Center in Provo today for in person training, so now Hyrum is really officially on his mission. 

Several times recently as I've said "Ok, one last picture with Hyrum!" and also since we've taken so many "last pictures" before, he was like "I've seriously already left a hundred times..." like when he and Joseph left before selling in Philly, of when he left when he started the MTC last week, so it was kina like yeah yeah yeah, but also this one really IS the the last one with you, Hyrum!! We're not going to see him again until September 2023! Of course I guess there could be an evacuation of missionaries again if the worldwide pandemic gets worse, but with Hyrum being stateside, he'd probably not come home anyway. 

So this morning, Corey and I hadn't yet decided if we were going to take all the kids to see Hyrum off, or if it would just be some of the older kids... Just in case he didn't see his sisters again, he said goodbye with a salute to Abi and Lily when I took them in carpool.

I stopped by the Temple Quarry on the way home after carpool and picked up 100 granite rocks for Hyrum to take and gift to companions, members, and people he teaches.
Back at home, Hyrum asked me to give him a hair cut before he showered and finished packing. Ethan had teased him on Monday about how he is apostate with such a mop. "Enjoy that while you've got it, cause they're gonna Bic you on Wednesday!" Back when Corey and I were in the MTC, they did check haircuts and so we thought they probably would give him a haircut. He didn't really want one though, and I told him he should just go and let them do it there. But he wanted just a small trim. I kinda tried, but it's hard to trim hair that is too short for scissors, so I got out the clippers...
and I cut it too short, and he feels like he had an "egg head" and I tried to fix it but just kept cutting it shorter. It's still too long for a missionary in my opinion, but he was sad at how short it was. He lamented "I wanna go back to high school" - back in the good ol' days, when kids could grow their hair to the length they wanted. After the finished product was inspected in the mirror, he cried "What have you done?" and "This isn't going to work... you can't just go walking around in public like this!" He was making me laugh, and he was sad. Then he showered and finished packing up.
Corey was at his parents house, and they were going to go pick up Abi and Lily from Jr. High at 10:45. Hyrum needed a few minutes to finish up, so I went to pick up the kids from elementary school and then game back for Hyrum. Natalie looked a little upset and asked "Why are you getting me?" "We're going to say Bye to Hyrum..." "Ok, after I say bye can you take me back? Recess is starting in 1 minute!"  and Owen didn't want to come either, although I don't think he knew what we were doing. I was thinking of leaving Owen but we didn't want him to be the only one that didn't come, but since Natalie didn't want to come either, I said ok. Hyrum got in the car and then I turned around and took them right back to school and checked them in. They gave Hyrum a hug and then happily ran off to join their friends. We'll all got our priorities!
Then off to Brighton to get Wes, and then we were on our way at 11:20. We met up with Corey, W&Jj and Abi and Lily at Golden Corral on University Avenue for Hyrum's last meal with us.
It was a nice meal, although all the kids said they prefer Chuck A Rama. We wasted a bit of food, sorry world, and then our nice waitress took a "last" picture for us - 
We weren't sure how it would go at the MTC and if we'd be able to hug him again, so we all got our hugs in as we left the restaurant and before we got into the cars.
Sweet Peter's little voice "Bye Hy-wah!"
Out to the car. 
Sophi rode with Abi and Lily in Corey's parents car, Joseph drove his motorcycle, and I had Hyrum and Corey, Wes and little boys in my car. We tried to cherish the last moments with him as best we could. We listened to a song by Cain called "The Commission" as we drove from the restaurant to the MTC, and I really liked it. It first touched me yesterday when Hyrum and I listened to it as drove back from Corey's parent's house after going to the temple. The parts where it is Christ leaving his disciples made me think of Hyrum leaving us "It's my time to go... goodbye is not the end". The Saviors charge to his disciples to preach the gospel reminded me of why Hyrum is leaving and the important message he will be sharing ~ "Go tell the world about me, I conquered death and I hold the keys..." The song also captures a little bit of our hopes for Hyrum and each of our children - "There is much to do... You have a purpose..." It's a very beautiful song, go give it a listen!

See My hands, look at My feet
It’s okay if
It’s hard to believe
I have faith you will
Do greater things
It’s My time to go
But before I leave

Go tell the world about Me
I was dead, but now I live
I’ve gotta go now
For a little while
But goodbye is not the end

Don’t forget the things
That I taught you
I conquered death
And I hold the keys
Where I go
You will go too someday
There’s much to do
Here before you leave

Go tell the world about Me
I was dead, but now I live
I’ve gotta go now
For a little while
But goodbye is not the

End of the journey
The end of the road
My Spirit is with you
Wherever you go
You have a purpose
And I have a plan
I’ll make you this promise
I’ll come back again
But until then

Go tell the world about Me
I was dead, but now I live
I’ve gotta go now
For a little while
But goodbye is not the end

Go tell them about Me
I've got to go
For a little while
But goodbye is not the end

We were all able to get out to say goodbye. A nice young MTC person was there and offered to take our picture ~
Then a few more "last" hugs - 
Peter's like "We just did this, right? We're doing it again? ok"
Lily checking out the pic of the group on her phone, Daniel's moving on, Sophi giving a last hug
and then the nice MTC guy helped Hyrum in with his luggage. 
I yelled out the window "BYE HYRUM!" 
We sure love him, and now he's off serving the Lord. Some lyrics from Pressure Machine have also been feeling especially poignant recently:
Don't you feel the time slipping away?
It ain't funny at all
It's gonna break your heart one day
And every year goes by faster than the one before

It's a pretty song. Life is good. I will aim to try more each day to treasure each of my children and my time with them. Bye Hyrum! We love you and are so proud of you! 

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Lasts with Hyrum


My top priority today was going to Waterford to get a silhouette picture with Hyrum before he leaves tomorrow. ✔Check! And I planned it out to have Hyrum holding up a Book of Mormon!

It looks pretty good! But truth be told: the sun was setting and we were losing daylight, and in our rush to get everyone out of the house, I didn't grab a Book of Mormon, so Hyrum is actually holding a DVD case, haha. But it's supposed to be a Book of Mormon, and you can't tell anyway, so there is an example of our ideal vs. our reality but it's ok, cause it looks the same!

We got kids left to right: Owen, Abi, Daniel, Sophi, Lily, Natalie, Hyrum, Wes, and Peter.

I thought tonight would be the last of our last few moments with Hyrum. I was pleasantly surprised yesterday to learn that we were going to have Monday night and all of today. When he came home yesterday with Corey, I was like "A free day with Hyrum! Let's go to the temple!" I logged onto the Jordan River Temple website and there were plenty of openings. I called Corey's parents to see if they wanted to go with him, but JeNeal offered to watch Daniel and Peter so that I could go with Hyrum and Wayne, so that was a gift. This was Hyrum's second time, and now he's been to the temple more times than Ethan! 
Poor Eth is jealous. He and a lot of other covid missionaries only got to go one time when they were endowed. I didn't realize he had only gone that one time until he mentioned that yesterday. I think Mel only went that one time too! For Ethan, there is a temple in the Dominican Republic and in Santo Domingo but alas, it's not in his mission area. I don't know about Mel. So sad. Hyrum's going to have a beautiful temple in his mission, so he'll probably be able to go often. He'll also be able to go to the Provo Temple while he's at the MTC. I was able to go every p-day during my mission if I wanted, and usually we did. So today we went to the temple for the 11:40 session. We left to go pick up Wayne and drop off D&P at 10:30, were on our way to the temple at 10:50. Hyrum forgot his recommend at home and we were going to go back to get it, but then we thought we'd just risk it and see if they could just look it up at the temple desk, and they were able to do that just fine. So Hyrum got in without a problem. It was a nice session. I struggled staying awake which I hated, but I also expected since I got up at 5:15 to take Wes to seminary and hadn't had a cat nap. We were done at the temple and on our way back at 1:40. The little boys were good for JeNeal, yay.

Then we hurried home, ate some chicken alfredo dinner, per Hyrum's last supper request, then we ran out the door to Waterford for some quick pictures. It was really dark, but the kids ran around on the field and played soccer in the dark for 20 minutes. Peter ready to take on Hyrum.
Corey and Wes headed back home to get more work done. 
Back at home we read scriptures, let Hyrum say his final family prayer for 2 years, then brush teeth and get ready for bed. Well, that would have been ideal, but instead the little boys decided to give their big brother a proper send off by harassing him for 15 mintues.
Wrestle! Get him! Hyrum threw pillows at them. 
Peter still thinks he's pretty tough, it's cute. Good night Hyrum, it's been nice knowing you!! Tomorrow's the big day and he goes to the MTC. He needs to be dropped off between 12-2, so it'll be good. We are maybe going to take all the kids out of school to come down, although that will be a bit of a hassle. But it's ok - it's a one of 12 "once in a lifetime" opportunities for our kids. It'll be good. Goodnight. 

Week 102.5 - The End

My dear friends, I am writing to you from the comforts of my home, Sandy Utah. I am no longer Elder, but Brother Wride. I just landed in Uta...