Monday, October 24, 2022

Week 59 - Answers to Prayers

Good day everyone! Happy Tuesday!

There's a Christlike attribute activity in PMG and I took it this week. I marked low on some of the questions and a big takeaway was that I haven't been very good at noticing answers to prayers. Since then I have tried to be more specific in what I pray for and I've also been keeping a prayer journal to help me notice answers. One of the things I prayed for this week was for biking to get better. I wasn't expecting it to get super easy or anything, but I've been hoping to get more used to it. Well, I received something from that prayer. My former comp Elder Hatch is my Zone Leader and we went on exchanges this week. As we were biking to an appointment we found a biking trail that led literally right to our appointment. I looked on google maps under the bicycling feature and found out that in this area there are all sorts of biking paths in between neighborhoods. We rode through it and it was really nice actually. We tried to capture the moment on camera but it didn't quite show. It felt like an answer and something that made it better. We've also been able to get rides to places which I always appreciate. Plus, I feel like there's a kind of special bonding when you are chatting with a member while driving at night. 



I know there are a few more small answers to prayers that I've received that I wrote down. I just can't remember them right now. But in just a few days my testimony of prayers being answered has been growing!

The work in this area is going good actually. We've been meeting a lot with members because a lot of them haven't  had the missionaries over in a long time. So far, we've also had a good amount of members that have given us names of people to reach out to! We haven't begun teaching anyone from it so far, but it's been cool to see. I feel like things are picking up! The biggest thing I would say I have been praying for is to find those who are read[y to accept the gospel, and to have the faith to find them. It feels like that prayer is being answered!

I guess I don't have any pictures with my actual comp for this week. All these pictures are with Elder Hatch. We were on a 24 hour exchange and at the end he and his comp brought out their polaroids for some exchange pictures (Polaroids are basically cameras that you put film into and then it prints right out of the camera). Elder Reinhart started trashing on their polaroids, talking about how digital pictures are so much better. That was until we took our exchange pictures. Ours is the one below where we're on the stairs, but I don't have Elder Reinharts and the other ZL. It was funny to see Elder Hatch and his comp convince Elder Reinhart against his previous opinion and now, after taking some really nice pictures, he is converted. Elder R literally carries his picture with him everywhere he goes now because he really likes the picture. I like this one too, and also really want to get a Polaroid. Let me know if anyone is interested in contributing to that fund. They're around $80 I think. I might get it for Christmas. 


Second Polaroid picture that we took on the biking trail. It just looks a lot darker.


Also, I colored this rock this week at a service activity


So I'm doing good overall. Missions are kinda hard and I feel like I'm at a weird point. I feel tired and don't want to work sometimes. But at the same time, my greatest desire is to teach by the spirit and help people realize the truth of the gospel and the message of the Restoration. I just have to keep that as my focus. 

I love you all! Hope everything is well.

- Elder Wride

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