Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Week 55 - I Don't Know What to Title This

Hello Everyone! I took the time to actually right an email this week

One cool moment that happened this week was when we were out trying to visit less active members. We ended up in a familiar neighborhood and I remembered another inactive lady that lives there that we tried to visit a few weeks ago, but she didn't answer. I hesitated at first to visit her again, not for really any reason. Just because we already stopped by, and still had other visits planned. But I decided we'd just see if they're home and they were! She's an older lady living with her daughter who takes care of her. She's been super ill and that's why she hasn't been to church. She said she saw our card that we left a few weeks ago and she wanted to call us to give her a blessing, but was feeling too sick and never got around to it. She asked if we could give her one right then and we did. It was really cool and she was super grateful. I just thought it was cool that we caught her at a good time because her health is really hot and cold. I'm so glad we decided to go by. I am trying to get better at always being open to the spirits guidance because I have the tendency to not think about it when we already have a planned schedule. 

Our friends are doing ok. We haven't met with a lot of them recently. We were supposed to meet with Jeannie who we met last week but she has people in town so we'll have to reschedule. Our other friends have been rather silent which is a little sad.

I'm doing well enough. Sometimes it's hard for me to have the right mindset and focus, but the best cure for me has been those awesome Missionary moments when you see someone be touched or affected by the gospel. The spirit is so awesome and you can feel it so strongly at those times. So that's what I'm trying to focus on because lately I've felt like I'm just getting by. But those kinds of moments make it worth it. I just wish they were more often and that there were more people who are willing to let God prevail. So many people simply don't seem to care. I think a lot about Alma 29 and wishing that everyone knew what I knew. Sometimes I feel the urge to just shake people by the neck like "How are you not getting this?" This is important! And it's the most important thing they'll ever hear. My mom told me "Everyone chose Christ when they saw clearly". But now, so many people don't see clearly and don't open their hearts to it. It's really sad how many people don't know about the Gospel. 

If you Hey to know what I'm thinking about, that's what it is. I love the Lord and I love what this Gospel brings. It's hard but it's worth it. I love you all!


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