Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Week 28 - Tracting

Hey all, hope you're having a good day. It's been a pretty long week, it feels. It's my first week in a new area so it makes sense but still.

1. Easter Devo
2. Tracting and Dogs 
3. Elder Pedlow

1. We have an Easter Devo coming up on April 10th. They've had a lot of practices, and I wasn't going to be in it because I don't sing. Well, Elder Pedlow is in it so I had to go with him for the practice. I thought I might just try and get some Facebook or Areabook work done, but there wasn't anywhere for people to go who weren't gonna participate. So I ended up getting drafted into the choir. You guys should know this, I'm not a choir person unless it's like Duel of the Fates or something. But now I'm in the Bass section. Best part of a choir is that you can have your voice behind everyone else's. I felt kinda stupid because I didn't know what was really going on. I had to rely on my saxophone music knowledge from 7th grade and I got by. 

2. Things are a little slower here than College. The members are really good so that's why they have success, but the work is not as good in Street Contacting and Facebook. So, we got to a point where the most productive thing we could do was go Tracking. Maybe not the most productive, but we had extra time that we couldn't find anything else to do with. And man did it take me back to summer sales. It was funny because Elder Pedlow also did sales, but he did it for a whole year. So we both had ptsd from the ring doorbell sound. We only went for like 30-45 minutes and only had 2 people answer the door. Tracting is not fun. I would also like to take some time to rant about dogs again, and I'm sorry if I offend any dog lovers, just not really. I just can't stand these big hairy animals that smell and slobber. We were walking this couple's huskies once and they were somewhat small. After them doing their business on the sidewalk and getting hair on my pants I was having a really hard time withholding my anger. I just wanted to see how far I could punt that thing. We also had another member's dog who kept on nudging me to pet it and got mucus on my clothes. I'm just saying it's going to take a lot of convincing, and probably bribery, for me to approve my future family getting a dog. 

3. This is now the segment where I talk about my companion. Elder Pedlow is my 6th companion so far, and the 3rd one I'll be sending home. He is from Austin TX. Here are some weird things about him. He really likes country music and likes to play it on speaker in the shower. He also hates California drivers and gas prices. I've heard about it probably at least once a day and it's pretty funny. Also, when he will go over what he studied during personal study he'll give a whole summary of what happened and it's hilarious. I wish I could make a show called "The Scriptures According to Elder Pedlow" and have him talking in the background with illustrations showing the Book of Mormon characters. If anyone has any expertise in these fields let me know because this could be big.

I love you all!
- Elder Wride

Pictures. Sorry for not taking more.

1. Choir Practice 

2. Transfers last week
3. Meme

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