Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Week 3.5 - San Diego


My new P day is Tuesday, so I thought I would send a quick email which covers a half week.

1. End of MTC
2. To the Airport
2. San Diego
3. Message for District 19-D

1. My last couple days in Provo were kinda sad. The MTC was a good time and I miss it, and my District. On Sunday we had a District testimony meeting, which was really good. Seeing everyone's testimony grow throughout this process has been really cool. And I know my testimony has grown a lot from them. Monday we just did packing, and other recreational stuff. It was sort of another P-day.  And then this morning was goodbye to the rest of the District. At 4 AM I said bye to my comp who is going to Vegas. Funny, I actually miss him less than everyone else. I still love him and he's the best, but I have spent enough time with him. Saying bye was more like a "See ya, have fun!". Everyone else left throughout the morning. But I keep thinking about the scripture Jacob 7:26 "the time passed away with us, and also our lives passed away like as it were unto us a dream". It really does feel like a dream and it's kind of weird. I do miss it.

2. And then around 10 this morning I was off to the airport. We took the train up to the airport and it took like an hour. While I was on the train, my Mom messaged me asking me like how I was getting to the airport and whatnot. I thought she was just like being a protective Mom and wanted wanted make sure I was all good. But then, I get off the train and she just appears out of nowhere. My parents just tracked me down and appeared as I was switching trains. I was kind of caught off guard, but it was really sweet, and I loved seeing them. They stayed at the stops and I was off again. The flight was 2 hours, and I had to endure without being able to watch movies. I didn't like it.

3. Being in San Diego feels weird. I'm not quite here mentally, I've only been here for a couple hours, but so far it's been alright. It hasn't been bad, I just don't really know whats going on. Once we landed, I met My Mission President, President Giménez, who fun fact was a Seventy, and actually spoke in Conference April 2020. Then I just hopped in a car with my comps, (I'm in a trio) and got some food. I then found out that we were giving away the car later and switch to bikes. Not super excited for that  but its fine. One of the Elders in a biking area broke his arm so they're using the car we had. So we'll see how that goes. But yeah since then I've been at the apartment just chilling.

4. Last point. So in my District in class, we watched the District, which is like the show I talked about last email. And I promised to find some of the people in the show. So, this is a message for my District, so if you're not from my District you won't really get it but you can read it, whatever. But anyways, I have a lead on German. I asked my comps and they know who he is. He's in a different area, but eventually I'll get a picture with him so stay tuned for that. 

This was a shorter email, it only covered like 3 days. But, I invite you all to prepare for General Conference. If you prepare a little bit and come with questions, it will be a lot more meaningful. So that is exciting. 
That's pretty much all for me. Have a good week.

1. Flight
2. Breakfast without the District
3. Artistic Picture
4. General Conference Meme from Elder Ethan Wride
5. Jacob 7 Scripture
6. Sunday Night with District

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