Sunday, September 5, 2021

Set Apart

Well, we've got three missionaries! Look at these great kids, my heart is happy. 
That pic above is the one Ethan took. The screen shot I took made it look like Hyrum was already a little overwhelmed/unsure of what he had just gotten himself into.
Our stake president and his two counselors came over to our house to set Hyrum apart. Here's my four pic panoramo of the room - Me holding Peter, who fell asleep in my arms at just the right time and he was quiet during the whole meeting.

We all got to say nice things about Hyrum and give him advice. Joseph arrived a little late but we were glad he was able to join us.

My parents and Corey's parents all came. My kids are pretty lucky to still have all of their grandparents alive. 
Corey held the phone so Ethan could hear and join in virtually.
It was going to be at 6 but then we changed it to earlier at 4 so that Mel could join us, but then she got her time difference mixed up and wasn't on when we started and didn't join until 5 when it was over. So she was a little sad about that but then it was ok cause they were able to talk for a little bit. Ethan had to go though, and Mel was a little sad cause she wanted to talk to Ethan. They both had p-day on Monday when they were in Missouri and Indiana, but since they have both gone to their original assignments of the Dominican Republic and Brazil, their p-days are on different days now (Eth on Monday still, Mel is on Wednesday). So this was one of the only chances they would get to talk until Christmas. So she was a little sad about that but they were able to say hi and then Ethan had to go, but Mel was able to talk with us and Hyrum for a bit. It was really funny though, cause after he got set apart, he was like "AHH!! I can't take this pressure!! I feel like I have a gun to my head!!!" The missionary mantel is real. I remember feeling it as a missionary - the urgency of talking to people and working and planning your day and not wasting any time and focusing on teaching others of Christ. And I remember when I was released - I physically felt the pressure removed from off my shoulders and I could relax for like the first time in months. Hyrum was like "I'm 2 hours into this.... I can't live like this!!  I gotta go sit down - I have a head ache!" and Corey and I just chuckled. The responsibility is real, but you'll get used to it. 

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