Saturday, September 18, 2021

I Hate Haircuts - Week 2

Hola mi amigos. I switched from Online MTC to Provo MTC this past Wednesday, I think I like online better. I am currently in the MTC's Industrial Laundry machine room, and the keyboard for this computer sucks. Like the keys are weird and resist me pushing them. Anyway, this week wasn't as great, but I'm fine. This email is going to be like a long essay, so you don't have to read it, it's more for recording and my parents. Also, I apologize, I feel like a lot of the things I say on here do not make sense, but I'm tired, so just interpret it in the best way.

1. BYU/Utah Football Game
2. Last Days with the Fam and Haircut
3. First days in Provo
4. P Days are No Day of Rest
5. Spiritual Thought

1. So, last Saturday when I had P-Day I went to my parents house because I didn't have as much going on. Well, I have had confirmation about why doing Online MTC was better at home, because my gosh. I don't remember being not caring that my 3 older siblings were leaving for 2 years. If they remember me not caring about them leaving they can correct me. I do remember one time when Joe called on Christmas, and we were upset because it interrupted our game of Super Smash Bros, so sorry. Anyway, I'm kind of just at home, trying to find someone to hangout with, and then my parents are leaving to go out on a date, so all the kids want to watch a movie. And like they're wanting to watch Clone Wars? Seriously? They've never previously cared. But fine, whatever, I go upstairs and watch the Chosen. And then like later after listening to Clone Wars for like 2 hours, I go downstairs and turn on The Fighting Preacher so I can watch too. And then halfway through I get sent back downstairs so they can watch the BYU/Utah game. And like WHAT??? Are you kidding me?? I just think its so stupid that the first week in my life that I can't watch Star Wars, or football, all my siblings start caring about it, but before, when I wanted to watch Clone Wars or something, no one else wants to. So I got sent downstairs and tried to sleep as my family was cheering for the game. It was a tragedy. 

2. Sunday I went to Church with the Family, and then went back to my Grandparents for more class. There the kids also wanted to watch Pink Panther instead of spend quality time with their brother they're not gonna see for 2 years, but it's fine. Monday was my last day of class, so I went back again. And no one is surprised, the last day I was at home I went to the Temple with my Mom and Grandpa and then just kinda sat around. Everyone was at school, so yeah. We took pictures at the park and played some soccer and then went to bed. The next morning, I got a haircut. And per the name of the email, I hate them. I don't know what it is, I just feel like I look like Shrek's cousin when I have short hair. Also, haircuts aren't even enforced any more, it's like a recommendation. So I won't grow it too long, but I hate how I look so I ain't keeping it. Unless my Mission President makes me. Anyway, I started packing and was out by 10:30. The plan was we would pick up kids and to head to Provo to Golden Corral and then drop me off. Owen and Natalie couldn't even be bribed to come down through free food. They wanted to go to recess. But it's fine.

3. So we ate good food, spent time with the Family, and then drove to the MTC. I kind of think it was intentional, but my Mom started putting on sad music on the drive. I started tearing up thinking about how my childhood was really over and I wouldn't see my Family for 2 years. We got to the parking lot, gave hugs, and I was off. The first 30 minutes, I was just like going from table to table talking to random worker people. It seemed kind of pointless because everyone just asked me my name and mission and then I was qualified and moved onto the next table for them to ask me the same questions. After that, I met the Elders we were rooming with, my Companion in person, and we went to class to meet our whole District. My District is kind of awkward, but we're getting better at getting to know each other in person. But since then pretty much every day has been the same. We exercise, study, class, with food in between. Also, I am a Senior companion! My Companion is the District leader, so that's why, but I like having authority.

4. So P Days being a Day of rest or preparation is a joke. It's 5:00 and it's the first chance I've had to take a breather. We woke up, showered and changed, and then went to class with our temple clothes because we have class from 8:30 to 11:30. After that, we had to eat lunch and be at the temple for a 12:30 Endowment session. That was good, no one has a bad experience at the temple. But I almost fell asleep. I hope the Adam and Eve skit doesn't get boring because it's like Peter wanting to watch Dinosaur 3x a day. But I kind of felt that today during the session. Anyway, that didn't end till 3. Afterwards, we went to a District Council meeting and had a testimony meeting. That was actually really nice, we all talked about why we're out here, and I think we got closer from that. After, we went back to the dorms, and came to do Laundry. We spent like 30 minutes trying to get detergent, because they didnt have any in the laundry room, so we went to the store, but then they didnt want us to pay with cash so we had to run back to get a card, and it was dumb. But today I still have to write a talk for the Sacrament meeting tomorrow. And then help prepare stuff because I'm kind of like my companions unofficial first counselor to him being District Leader. 

5. This week has been more rough I would say. I said bye to the family, and I was just more comfortable Online. And I know it's good to be stretched, but I wonder if I should've just done it online. One of my goals before the mission was to be able to get better at living in the moment and like to recognize that I'm having joy, but I've never really done that. But throughout all Online MTC I felt like I was happier. I think I'm just more comfortable being by myself because I'm more introverted, but now I have to stay with my companion all the time, and like I always have to perform. I really needed a refresher, and today didn't help as much as I had hoped. But my spiritual thought is "Let Us All Press On". I think the MTC in person is better for adjusting to missionary life as far as being used to being with the companion all the time and whatever. But, life goes on. The last part of Earth Life and following the commandments is "Enduring to the End". I remember when school would never end, but now it's over. And I remember when working in the summer would never end, but now it's over. Life is but a small moment, so Let Us All Press On and try to find Joy in the Journey. 

I know this email was long, so I'm sorry. I also realize I did not include any pictures so sorry. Some of these are from last week.

- Elder Wride

P-day call with my mom and little brother Daniel, who likes to use filters.

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