Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Week 77 - Good Week


Good week as usual here in San Diego. This week it has been raining a lot and it's been cold (For California). Didn't help that Elder Aguilar has had a cough for like 2 months and I picked it up for a couple of days this week. It wasn't too bad, just a cough and a runny nose, but it made the days slower. Nevertheless, we went forth and labored with our might.

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We had a mini Zone Conference this week too. Elder Slaughter from the Seventy came down and talked to us. It was really really good and I took a lot of notes that I'll be thinking about. My favorite note was when he explained a kind of spectrum. He said there's self confidence, and self doubt, and much of the world believes these are opposite. But he said they're both on the same side of the spectrum because they are both products of self-centeredness. The other side of the spectrum, where we want to be, is Christ Confidence. I thought that was cool and I've been trying to be more confident in Christ. He explained how faith grows too. First we Believe, then we trust, then we have confidence, and then we rely. I thought that was really cool and I'm trying to understand how relying on Christ works, looks, and feels like. But I learned a lot from Elder Slaughter. I really do love Zone Conferences because they are spiritual feasts. We have our main Zone Conference tomorrow. 

(I am left middle ish)

We also had a lesson with a member family in our ward this week named the Boons! Brother Boon is the actor for Amulek in the Book of Mormon videos, and he also is in the Fighting Preacher (Buster), and Ephraim's rescue. It was cool to meet and get to know them. 


So, we have been working hard. I'm feeling the last quarter mission desperation and have been trying to work harder. I'm tired a lot, but I feel more fulfilled. We've had a number of good interactions this week, but no one has been progressing too far yet. Highlight of the week was this lady we met named Lupitia. We were trying to visit a Media Referral (Someone who filled out their information for a missionary visit on facebook), but when we got there we realized we had already tried to visit them last week. The property is completely locked and gated, and last time we just tried to clap to get someone's attention but no one came. We just forgot to report on it in the areabook. But this time, just as we got there, a van pulled up and people opened the gate to go in. So we hurried to walk over there to catch them. They told us the person we were looking for didn't live there, but told us where we could find them at another house a couple minutes away. So we went over there, and they didnt answer the door. So, we thought we might continue with the other visits we had, but decided instead to knock a couple of doors. We knocked on the neighbors door which was Lupitias! We ended up having like a 45 minute conversation about the church, her testimony and experiences, the Book of Mormon, missionaries, etc. She is a super nice lady and accepted our invitation to read the Book. She said she actually works in Tijuana and is usually not home a lot, especially at the time that we were there. But I thought it was just really cool that we met her! Especially because of all the things that had to line up. We hope to meet with her again because she's a really cool and smart lady. But she might be busy a lot.
- Anette is struggling more, but she is still set on getting baptized. She just started a new job and has been busy, and because of that didn't make it to church on Sunday. The YSA sisters might push her date back since it was going to be this Saturday since they haven't met with her in a bit. Prayers for her are appreciated!

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(Temple pictures from this morning)

That's all for this week! We are enjoying the work, and I love you all!

- Elder Wride

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