Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Week 19 - Iceland and Hot Tubs

Hello There

This week's been alright. I said last week I got into the groove of things, which is true, but I just feel more tired right now. To be honest, I'm convinced it's because I got a haircut this week. Diligence and Patience are like my 2 least favorite Christlike attributes.

1. Iceland and Hot Tubs
2. My Mental State
3. Taryn!
4. Spiritual Thought

1. So if it's okay, I'm just gonna go off for a second. Iceland is really cool. Like the geography and landscape just looks awesome. What really got me wanting to go was that scene in Secret Life of Walter Mitty where he's skateboarding. I also want to fo somewhere where it's snowing while I'm in a hot tub. That's all I wanted to say for that. Because, just last week people sent me emails like "Good job! You figured it out". And it seems lame to start talking about how cool Iceland is right after that. ðŸ‡®ðŸ‡¸ Bit wven though I like Iceland, I still am still a Patriot ðŸ‡ºðŸ‡¸

2. My brain still doesn't work. 3 examples solely from today. 1 - While we were driving to the store we came to this light where it had just turned yellow. We were going to turn left, but the Left arrow was red. Anyway, I thought I was able to turn if I did it fast enough, and it didn't register that it was a red light for me. Don't worry, I realized in time and we were fine, but it scared Elder Hayes for a good minute. 2 - We were doing laundry, putting our clothes in the dryer from the washer, which were opposite from each other. So I'm throwing my clothes into the dryer, because it's door is sideways. And while doing so, I get confused. I think the dryer I'm putting clothes in is one dryer over, so I just throw my clothes at the dryer next to it which had the door shut. My clothes fell on the floor. 3 - I left my Debit card in the laundry room which I guess is a more common thing, because I just forgot it, but if Elder Hayes wasn't watching my back I would be in trouble many times. Let me know if any of you have any tips for helping my brain register things again after being scarred from Missionary work.

3. The works going along well, we have our areabook once having like 100 investigators down to like 30 people that we're actually teaching which was good to be able to filter through all of that over the past 10 weeks? However long it's been. One highlight is that our best progressing Person, Taryn, who I think I've already talked about, wants to be baptized! We didn't talk about it a whole lot, but we are going to next time we see her tomorrow. She said she's ready for change and it's been really awesome to see how much she's been growing the past week or so. She still has some things we'll have to go through, smoking is the biggest one, but it's still exciting. 

4. Sorry I don't think I've been great at including Spirtual thoughts, I'll try to get better. Today I just want to talk about the Temple. We only have 1 P day left in this transfer to go to the Temple. We were supposed to go last week but Elder Hayes Temple recommend expired so we're trying to set up an interview with President. Anyway, my testimony of the Temple has grown so much while I've been on a Mission. It like has worried me each time I go because I don't know what else giant thing God could reveal to me. So, alongside a lot of other people including the Prophet, I would encourage you to go to the Temple often. Thats all I wanted to say. Also, the San Diego temple is probably the best one

- Elder Wride

Sorry I didn't take pictures again really
1. Virtual Exchanges

2. Also, Brad Wilcox joined Zone Conference this week. He's top left

3. Meme 

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