Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Week 18 - My Brain is Malfunctioning


This week's been pretty good. I can confidently say I'm pretty into the groove of things. And I hit 4 months as a Missionary this past week on January 6th! Kind of snuck up on me. I didn't realize it until the day before.

1. My Brain is Malfunctioning
2. Guy with a Knife
3. Priesthood Blessing
4. Perfect Lesson

1. I think I've expressed it before that my brain doesn't appear to work as it once did, but I didn't have any examples. But I remembered some from the past couple weeks. Just to help you understand what I mean. Example one: We are on our way to the church, and I start backing the car out of our parking spot. I look over and see another RAV-4 and I panic for a couple seconds thinking we got in the wrong car. It's just such a stupid thing to get confused about, but I did. Example two: While in the car, I have a card to log into TIWI (The little device that makes sure you're driving safely and all that). And I have a little slot that I put my card in. Anyway, after logging in one day I try to put the card in the slot, but it doesn't go in, it just slides over the slot. And I thought I split the card in half for like a solid minute. I hope those 2 examples make sense. I feel so dumb after being confused or panicking or something. It's like my brain is malfunctioning.

2. We do a lot of Street Contacting which is fun. We still go pretty much in the heart of where we could get shot, but we haven't been in danger or anything. But we meet a lot of people there and see a lot of miracles. It's really awesome. But, fun story, yesterday we were walking and saw this guy digging through the trash. He called us over asking if we were Jehovah's Witnesses. So we explained and talked to him for a bit. A lot of homeless people will often just go on rants with us and we're just like ok. So this guys was talking about whatever, he's digging through someone's garbage to find food and then he finds this knife in the garbage and he's talking with his hands so he's just swinging it around. We're not sure if we'll get stabbed because you never know, but we didn't. He was nice enough talking about Jesus and everything. We just said ok and then he went back to his business.

3. I talked about our friend Isaiah in the Hospital last week I think. He came back and we went over to give the Priesthood blessing, and Elder Hayes asked that I give it. It was my first blessing of healing. Priesthood blessings are honestly pretty scary. The first one I gave was way scarier. It was right after I got set apart as a Missionary. The Stake president was like alright now you're gonna give your mom a blessing. I don't really remember what I said, but it was scary because it was in front of my Bishop and Stake President. And family and extended family. Anyway, I gave the blessing to Isaiah. Didn't really know what to say, but I guess that's kind of the point. Don't remember everything I said, but it was good. I think I almost passed out near the end. I was kind of nervous and zoning out, and my knees felt weak. It was okay though. It seemed to help him and everyone said it was good, so yeah.

4. One lesson we had this week was super Awesome. It was with a lady named Taryn, and it was like the perfect Restoration lesson. I was reciting the first Vision, explaining the Book of Mormon and the Spirit was so strong. It just all clicked for her and it was awesome to see and be a part of. She wanted us to come back asap.. What was weird, is I can't think of what I tried to do differently compared to other Restoration lessons. I think a big part of it was her end, her readiness for it. But other than that, I don't know why exactly the Spirit felt stronger. The Spirit really is a mystery to me. I try to get better at speaking by the Spirit, which I really felt I was in that lesson. I think a big part of it is trying to speak from the heart, instead of like a robot. Using a respectful and reverent manner of speaking in Para verbals and all that. And also, giving sincere prayer beforehand to be led by the Spirit. I think those are the big 3 things for me at least. It's just been something I've been thinking about. 

Well I hope everyone had a good week. Things have been good here. One other thing, we went to Soapy Joes today. Greatest car wash of all, but they're only in San Diego County. Also, sorry I didn't take many pictures this week. Love you all!

- Elder Wride

1. Exchanges
2. Talked with Elder Vickery who I miss
3. Soapy Joes is King
4. A Member who we were supposed to have a lesson with

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