Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Week 12 - Nose Spray

 Hola. This week doesn't have as much to talk about, but whatever.

1. Thanksgiving
2. Nose Spray
3. Baptismal Date
4. Jason
5. Inactive Family

1. We had Thanksgiving dinner last P day after I sent my email. It was a pleasant meal. I did not feel like stuffed, but perfectly satisfied. Which felt kind of wrong because it was Thanksgiving, but I would rather not feel sick. Anyway, we shared a spiritual thought and it was nice. 

2. I've been told for a while that I have a stuffy nose a lot. It never really bothered me, but I've been told it enough times so I bought some nose spray the other day. I have been brought out of my ignorance. So now I have to spray my nose 2x a day because then my nose gets stuffy and it feels annoying because I didn't realize what a nose is supposed to be like. I didn't have a stuffy nose all the time, just some times. Enough for people to mention it. But now the inside of my nose feels cold being fully exposed to the air. 

3. We also got one of our investigators, Laquita, on date this past week for December 18th. She has been meeting with Missionaries for years and it has definitely been a journey for her but we're almost there. We do worry that she may not be living or trying to live all the Gospel Standards, but we're going through the Baptismal interview with her thoroughly.

4. Jason is another guy we met this week. We went to go visit a member in a senior living care center thing with another member and Jason went with us. They were all friends. Jason is someone that missionaries used to be teaching, but hasn't been recently because of his work schedule. He works 12 hours a day, 7 days a week which probably isn't healthy. But after that we went to meet him at his work to talk and he brought out therapy animals for where he works. The Tarantula gives hand fives. It didn't feel like a hand five because of how slow the spider moved its leg. And because it was with my finger. But whatever. Anyway, he's an interesting guy. He went off about some like grain fiber stuff that he has that is like a miracle grain. He said it was in the America's and was the same "plant" as the tree of life in Lehi's vision because the grain and the fruit were both white. But the grain stuff he has is like easy to grow, is super good for you, and lightweight. We spent a lot of time him taking about it. I have no idea what he was talking about, I was so confused. But basically he knows everything he needs to know to get baptized, but doesn't want to because he still has questions and things. And there are some parts of the church he doesn't agree with. But he reads the Book of Mormon. Also, he did commit to come to church this last Sunday to hear Elder Hayes give a talk. He didn't show up when it started, and it was like alright. He gave this shamble about Elder Hayes talk on prayer was what he was looking for and if he didn't show up it would be an offense to God. But then he walks in right before Elder Hayes gets up. And apparently walked an hour and a half to get here because his phone broke so he couldn't call for a ride to church. So that was pretty cool. I can say he will keep his commitments.

5. Also this week we got a call from a less active family. Their son recently returned from the hospital because of mental health issues. So we went over to give him a Priesthood blessing. When we got there we did some chatting and it was confusing. Basically I think he believes he's God, or is a God. He was saying how his time hadn't come but he took this body as his current vessel. He also got very emotional when he talked about there were a thousand people he couldn't save in his earlier life. And so now he's in hiding because he just wants to live life. And because there are people looking for him so he can't reveal himself. So yeah, I was like waat? How can I help this guy? I'm not sure. But Elder Vickery gave the blessing and we blessed him with peace and comfort. His mom was grateful, she's been inactive just since Covid happened but she wants to come back to church. We have a lesson with them tomorrow. 

Well this week wasn't very long so not as much happened. Hope you all are doing well and do good

1. Thanksgiving pool. I won
2. Call with the other Elder Wride and Sister Wride
3. Went to Coronado Island earlier today and drove over a tall bridge
4. Bridge
5. Tarantula
6. Meme

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