Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Week 12 - Nose Spray

 Hola. This week doesn't have as much to talk about, but whatever.

1. Thanksgiving
2. Nose Spray
3. Baptismal Date
4. Jason
5. Inactive Family

1. We had Thanksgiving dinner last P day after I sent my email. It was a pleasant meal. I did not feel like stuffed, but perfectly satisfied. Which felt kind of wrong because it was Thanksgiving, but I would rather not feel sick. Anyway, we shared a spiritual thought and it was nice. 

2. I've been told for a while that I have a stuffy nose a lot. It never really bothered me, but I've been told it enough times so I bought some nose spray the other day. I have been brought out of my ignorance. So now I have to spray my nose 2x a day because then my nose gets stuffy and it feels annoying because I didn't realize what a nose is supposed to be like. I didn't have a stuffy nose all the time, just some times. Enough for people to mention it. But now the inside of my nose feels cold being fully exposed to the air. 

3. We also got one of our investigators, Laquita, on date this past week for December 18th. She has been meeting with Missionaries for years and it has definitely been a journey for her but we're almost there. We do worry that she may not be living or trying to live all the Gospel Standards, but we're going through the Baptismal interview with her thoroughly.

4. Jason is another guy we met this week. We went to go visit a member in a senior living care center thing with another member and Jason went with us. They were all friends. Jason is someone that missionaries used to be teaching, but hasn't been recently because of his work schedule. He works 12 hours a day, 7 days a week which probably isn't healthy. But after that we went to meet him at his work to talk and he brought out therapy animals for where he works. The Tarantula gives hand fives. It didn't feel like a hand five because of how slow the spider moved its leg. And because it was with my finger. But whatever. Anyway, he's an interesting guy. He went off about some like grain fiber stuff that he has that is like a miracle grain. He said it was in the America's and was the same "plant" as the tree of life in Lehi's vision because the grain and the fruit were both white. But the grain stuff he has is like easy to grow, is super good for you, and lightweight. We spent a lot of time him taking about it. I have no idea what he was talking about, I was so confused. But basically he knows everything he needs to know to get baptized, but doesn't want to because he still has questions and things. And there are some parts of the church he doesn't agree with. But he reads the Book of Mormon. Also, he did commit to come to church this last Sunday to hear Elder Hayes give a talk. He didn't show up when it started, and it was like alright. He gave this shamble about Elder Hayes talk on prayer was what he was looking for and if he didn't show up it would be an offense to God. But then he walks in right before Elder Hayes gets up. And apparently walked an hour and a half to get here because his phone broke so he couldn't call for a ride to church. So that was pretty cool. I can say he will keep his commitments.

5. Also this week we got a call from a less active family. Their son recently returned from the hospital because of mental health issues. So we went over to give him a Priesthood blessing. When we got there we did some chatting and it was confusing. Basically I think he believes he's God, or is a God. He was saying how his time hadn't come but he took this body as his current vessel. He also got very emotional when he talked about there were a thousand people he couldn't save in his earlier life. And so now he's in hiding because he just wants to live life. And because there are people looking for him so he can't reveal himself. So yeah, I was like waat? How can I help this guy? I'm not sure. But Elder Vickery gave the blessing and we blessed him with peace and comfort. His mom was grateful, she's been inactive just since Covid happened but she wants to come back to church. We have a lesson with them tomorrow. 

Well this week wasn't very long so not as much happened. Hope you all are doing well and do good

1. Thanksgiving pool. I won
2. Call with the other Elder Wride and Sister Wride
3. Went to Coronado Island earlier today and drove over a tall bridge
4. Bridge
5. Tarantula
6. Meme

Thursday, November 25, 2021

Week 11 - Launching a Rock With a Weed-Whacker


My P-day got switched to today instead of Tuesday because of Thanksgiving. Which I don't consider ideal for a couple of reasons which I'll get into soon. But this week was a rollercoaster

1. P-day Vent
2. Shirtless Skateboarder
3. Hany and Kalan
4. Launching a Rock with a Weed-Whacker
5. God is More Powerful than Satan
6. Soapy Joe's and Zone Conference
7. Thanksgiving and the Health Train

1. So yeah, our P-day changed for just this week. So the hardest part was enduring 10 days without being able to take a nap. Last week I did not take a nap, which pleases Lucifer because he knew that that would make the next week and a half feel a lot longer. That jerk. I worry that our schedule today will not allow me to take a nap. I would rather just have a normal P-day and and we get to call Family 2x this week, but no. And today is also cut short because we have Thanksgiving dinner with a member at 3:30. Thats my second P-day in a row that is cut short. I am not pleased with how this transpired or filled with a spirit of Charity. I feel bad that I tend to vent on my emails. It does help, so thanks for allowing me to write negative feelings I guess. Sorry if it's not uplifting But this next week will be shorter because our P-day is back to Tuesday. So that's what I'm grateful for. And I may be able to nap today.

2. There are a lot of people here that we've met that have a belief in God and are "spiritual". I guess it goes back to how we need faith and works. For example, we met these ladies at a park. When we talked to them they said they were already saved and going to heaven so they said to go find other people because other people need help. Not them. At some point while we were talking some birds flew over and one lady said something about how it's a sign and raised her hands and she's a very spiritual person. But they also started talking about how they're gonna go smoke weed. To me, they don't appear to be taking care of themselves very well. I guess I feel like a lot of people I meet say they believe in God and are going to heaven and whatever, but I don't see Christ's countenance in them very well. They have the Light of Christ, but it's not the same as His countenance. 90% of the time they act and smell in a way that would indicate they are not following the Word of Wisdom. So it's just weird. There was another interesting lady we were talking to, and then this guy comes by skateboarding and shirtless. He comes by says like "Praise Jesus" or something, gives us all hugs and skates off. As he's going the lady yells "Keep up the good work!". Not sure exactly what she meant by that. They said they never met each other before. But it didn't seem like they were doing work? Or I don't know what their work is? I don't mean to judge, but then he goes to the 7-11 we were close to, steals a bundle of wood, and skates off. That's kind of sad. Why would he do that? I guess I feel like what these people say doesn't support what they do a lot of the time. But yeah they are quite interesting.

3. There's one guy in our areabook that we were trying to meet with. Hany is his name. He like wouldn't always respond when we would reach out and it was kind of weird. But we agreed to meet at a park at 4 pm one day. So we got there with a member and were waiting. And waiting. Hany texts us and asks to push back to 5:30 and meet at a Starbucks. Ok, we won't get any coffee but I guess we can go in Starbucks. We do some street contacting while we're waiting m. Well then at 5:45 we call him and other missionaries pick up. Like what is happening? They were having a lesson with him at the park we were at earlier. Still don't know why he didn't answer his own phone? But he was apparently texting both of us but thought we were the same group or something. Anyway, so I was a little upset because we just spent our afternoon not super effectively and it was dark. We were gonna go to the church and do Facebook. But while we were getting in the car, Elder Hayes just walks away to go talk to a guy. I chase after him and we met Kalan. He was receptive, and opened up about how he's felt lonely since his brother died. It was a cool visit. We gave him a Book of Mormon and a Bible. It was just cool because without all that mess with Hany, we wouldn't have been there at all. Unfortunately though, we haven't been able to contact Kalan since. We were gonna meet with Kalan on Tuesday but he gave us a wrong number. He has our number but hasn't called or anything. Sad.

4. Earlier this week the Sisters asked us to help with a project. I don't know if I've already said, but we share this ward with 3 sisters so we've got 6 missionaries. Honestly we need it because there's a lot to do. But they called us over to help with this service project. The lady isn't a member, I think she just clicked on a service ad from Facebook. The only things she needed done were weed-whacking and mowing, so we didn't need 6 people there. I ended up just picking weeds and grass out from in between bricks on the patio. Very helpful, I know. So after we finished the Sisters went to go talk to her and try to set up a lesson. We didn't know what to do so we started weed-whacking the front. After that, Elder Vickery started weed-whacking inbetween side walk slabs to get the grass out there. I probably could've just picked them out, but yeah. I was holding the cord because it was a plug in weed-whacker. Elder Vickery hits a rock in the sidewalk or something, a little bit bigger than a pebble. My eyes just locked onto it as it soars through the air at I don't know how many mph. And it heads right to the ladies back door of her CAR. It made a pretty loud noise, and the Sisters were talking to her on her porch like right there. But none of them turned around or anything. So we just decided to not do anything else. We put the stuff away. We were done and the Sisters left, but we went over to the lady to tell her. We pointed to the dent in the door and there was a moment of silence. She turns around and says "You didn't do that!" In like an upbeat way. She goes on to say that it was already there before and something about a guy in the parking lot. So we walked away as free men. But that's crazy because I literally saw it hit the car with my own eyes. I have 2 theories: 1- She was just being nice. This was my first reaction, that she just made that up so we wouldn't have to pay anything. 2- An Angel intercepted this rock, soaring through the air, and hit the car at the exact position where a dent already was. While I saw the rock hit the car, I don't know whether or not a dent was already there. But I know it hit that spot on the car. We may never know, what I do know is that that rock hit the car.

5. The church building in our ward is on top of the Mission office and doesn't have computers because all the computers are at the Mission office / Family History center. So we often go to another building that we don't have the keys to. We've gone there enough times, we forget that we don't have keys to get in so we need to coordinate with other missionaries. We've not been able to get in more than once. Well yesterday, as we pulled up, we realized we hadn't coordinated with any missionaries and there weren't any cars parked so we just went up to see if it was unlocked because we were already there. Being the motivational speaker I am, I said something along these lines as I went to open the door: "Satan is working against us. He has prevented us from entering this building to do the Lord's work before. But God is more powerful than Satan, and if it be His will, we can enter this building, which is His house". At that moment I pull on the door and it opens. I was being like not serious with my motivational talk, but the door actually opened. So the Elders went in and I went back out to see if it was actually locked. And it was. So that was cool. There was also some random guy talking on the phone in the hallway so he also could've let us in.

6. Never once in my life did it occur to me that I would support a car wash. But I am impressed with Soapy Joe's. For Zone Conference we took our car to go get cleaned. And man, I did not expect much. We like pulled around and it felt like Disneyland. The employees were dressed and we paid at a little thing. Then the sign says to like put your car in neutral, let go of the brake and other stuff and I was like what? Then we're on this like machine thing and it's carrying us through the car wash. And there's flashing lights and it says "Start". Then we just went on through and got sprayed on, scrubbed with spinning things, rinsed and air dried. It doesn't sound cool, but it was cool. If you can't afford Disneyland go to a Soapy Joe's and bonus, your car is cleaned. They had little vacuum stations as well. And their car tags smell like fruit Tic Tacs. Zone Conference was good, Elder Cordon from the Seventy came. The main takeaway was Christlike attributes. The main one I'm trying to work on is Charity. So that'll be good.

7. 2 Weeks ago I was doing great. Exercising good, eating healthier. That lasted for about 4 days. We got transferred and I completely fell off the Health Train. We don't have a gym anymore. I got spoiled in my last area, I did not realize a gym was a luxury. And boy am I in the wrong ward to try and stay healthy. The first lady is Nancy. On our first ward council she comes in with a pan of cinnamon rolls and smore cookie things. Since then, I have been fed to an exceedingly great amount. One family got us Domino's, another cooked us stew and fried rice. Another member is apparently good enough that he once went into a contest in something something do with Gordon Ramsay. He cooked us some like meat sandwich roll things with corn on the cob, home made fries with ginger ale. Which was really good. We're also having Thanksgiving dinner with a member. They have 5 other missionaries coming so it will be a large feast. The point is, this is what I've been warned about. The Holiday season is not a slim one, and it has only just begun. I might just allow myself this transfer until I out of this ward. Because this ward feeds us way too much and it feels wrong if I were to not accept it. Because they are very persistent. One member said feeding the Missionaries is the 11th Commandment. Maybe I'll try to be healthier after today. But Happy Thanksgiving. 

So that's this week. We also went to film a music video which I did in no way contribute to. If you see the "Mary Did You Know?" Video on the San Diego page, when it comes out, know that Elder Wride was there. But there I saw the ocean and got a picture. So thank you all for reading, I hope you have a splendid day, now I am going to try and take a nap. Love you all!

1. I did end up getting a California Burrito
2. Zone Conference
3. Our Zone is the Yeast (East) Zone. They love Bread
4. Elder Vickery with a Weed-Whacker shortly before we caused damage
5. Weekly Meme
6. The Ocean
7. Ocean Sunset

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Week 10 - El Cajon Boulevard


This week was a lot longer than a week. A ton has happened and I don't much know what to narrow it down to. But it has been good nonetheless.

1. A P-Day of Sacrifices
2. College and Companions
3. SIM Card
4. Sick Dog
5. El Cajon Boulevard
6. Google account

1. I am bitter and sad right now. You can read this rant if you want, I just need to type it out. P-Days are overrated. What is the point of a day off if I do not get extra sleep? And why are people as excited as they are for P days? I do look forward to emails and calling but still. All week Elder Hayes and I have talked about and planned for me taking a nap. Because I need it. I haven't taken a nap for 2 months. And I was so excited. It literally felt like Christmas. But it has been another P-day of sadness. Because yesterday the District wanted to do something for one of the Sisters birthday which has replaced the time I had for my nap. So we went to a smoothie place and I got ripped off. 8 dollars for a medium smoothie. They didnt have the prices put up so you didnt know the price until you were paying. Thats 80% of a Cali Burrito that could have filled me up for a day, instead of a sad excuse for a smoothie that had too much banana. But at least we were gonna go bowling. But no! The bowling center was full of college kids and there wouldn't be any lanes open. And I like bowling. So then we went to this little center where I spent time writing this email and others. Now we're about to clean our apartment even though it's pretty clean. But Hayes and Vickery really want to so. Then we are planning our lessons for this evening and cutting off our p day short by an hour for a visit. So p day is ending like an hour and a half early to plan lessons and to have a visit. Which is a good thing, I'm just trying to put off my carnal man that wants to sleep. I don't know. I'm just sad because I have been anticipating this nap all week and when we were planning to do p day activities it was on the condition that I get scheduled time to nap. I have been soo happy and excited to take a nap but it has slipped away. I'm just angry. This has happened every week. Lucifer has interfered with every P day because he's evil. I am going to get a little cactus next week and name it Lucifer. You can probably figure out why. I wrote all the other parts of this email before so they're not as contentious.

2. So, my new area is College Area. We're basically right in San Diego State University except we're in a Family Ward. A lot of old people. It's good here, and we're more in actual San Diego. The area has a ton of work. In Poway we were just scraping the bottom of the area for anything at all. And here, we don't even know where to start. We have like 1000 members on AreaBook and we definetely don't have that many people coming to church. We have like 50 interested people and 50 people we're teaching on record. Except, we actually didn't come in teaching anyone. Like what? There's just old records but the last Elders haven't been reaching out. I'll talk more on that later. So yeah we've been doing a lot of contacting people from AreaBook.
• So I am in another trio. Kind of didn't want to be in another trio but it's ok. My comps are Elder Vickery and Elder Hayes. All I can say about Elder Vickery is that his first name is Mel. I don't know if you've ever met a Mel, but that name just perfectly fits with him. He's 18 months out, from a small town in Idaho and he shaved his head for 20 dollars. You know, just other Mel things. But he's great. Elder Hayes is a sweetheart. He was my zone leader last transfer and he's just so loveable. Hes 22 months in, the same amount that I have left. He's a hard worker, likes to street contact, which is something I'm trying to get better at. So we're doing good.
• But our ward needs help. Apparently the last Elders here didn't really do much work. They didn't really meet with members, investigators and like basic stuff. But that has been pretty apparent because Elder Vickery doesn't really know about basic things like: Who members or investigators are, how certain activities go, just things you should know if you're leading the area. It just doesn't look like much has happened. So someone from the Mission Presidency in our ward basically told us that the ward is struggling and he's glad we're here and ready to work. Really just trying to build that trust with the members and the Bishop and everything here.

3. I have the SIM card. Its because I have the newest phone, and we had been having issues with other phones, so the responsibility has been bestowed upon me. From this past week, basically I have learned that if I don't put something in areabook, I will forget it. And after this week, forgetting something we scheduled with someone is my greatest fear. Especially since we're like in a ward and trying to rebuild that trust with the members here. But earlier this week we got a text from the Elders Quorum president asking us if we could come and say a few words on the plan of salvation at someone's memorial service. We said we would, but forgot to put it in AreaBook. I think you know where this is going. It didn't turn out so great. Everyday I am just checking messages looking to see if we forgot to schedule something because it's now my greatest fear. An extra burden is on my shoulders.

4. Second day into the transfer we had a lesson with this guy named Johnny. He lives alone, 50 years old I would guess, and has special needs. So we visited him and it was nice. Its just that he has 2 dogs who are sick and want to be petted. Fortunately the couch we're sitting on is really low which allows this big sick dog to come face to face with us. I'm in the middle, Elder Vickery is petting the dogs back, so the dogs face is right in front of me. Poor Elder Hayes is scared of dogs so he's holding up his backpack. And this dog won't stop coughing. I have never felt so gross. This big dog is coughing directly on me coming up in my face wanting to be petted, I didn't like it. This happened while we were having a lesson with Johnny. I don't think he picked up on I didn't want his dog to cough on, or get his hairs on me, but it was still a good visit. Johnny has a hard time reading scriptures so he reads the children books and that's what we read with him. He also played the guitar for us which was actually really good. I think we're visiting him again tomorrow, he said he's taking his dog to the vet so hopefully he's better.

5. Our new favorite place is El Cajon Blvd. It's quite an interesting place to go street contacting but we've had pretty good success. It's a pretty run down place, homeless people, some people are intoxicated. Just a good place to share the gospel. And we're trying to build our street credibility. The main people we met were Johnny, Marvin and Tony. It's hard to tell if they're slightly intoxicated or not. They're just like really loud and weird. Marvin was drunk. When we talked to him he said he would love to hear a message, just not right then because he said he was drunk. We called him but we're pretty sure he blocked us. Johnny was probably the most interesting. He works at a car shop, talked about how he believes in God, but gets angry at him a lot. But he still tries to love people. He also got stabbed and hit by a car once. We'll probably see him around because he works on the street. And Tony we gave a Book of Mormon to. He actually came up to us, said he was talking with a Sister Missionary in Hawaii I think. Anyway, the first thing he asked was for a Book of Mormon. He talked about how he read some of it, I don't actually remember why he needed another one. But our whole discussion was him talking about like how the government is corrupt and is making life hard for him, something about Mexicans. Well have a talk about that later. But he talked a lot about how God has always been there so that's good. Last, after we shook hands he said he didn't need the covid vaccine because he has the only vaccine he needs. I'm glad the scriptures have had a healing impact, but I'm not quite sure that's how it works. 

6. My Google account has not worked all week. I sent in a report thing, but no one did anything. Later, I logged into my Gmail for ordering a phone Case on Amazon, and it turns out they were emailing me about it. To my Gmail and Missionary account. So I just called and they got it fixed. But I'm upset that they decided to contact me about it through my missionary email instead of just through my portal. It's just stupid because the issue was I couldn't login. I'm just still upset about that.

That's most of it. We have a lot of lessons this week and things to do. Also this week during Facebook finding I found Big Ed from 90 day fiance. Weird show and I thought it would be interestig to reach out to him. He probably won't respond. But if I were to get a meeting with him, that would be interesting. And those would be the weird kind of stories I'm looking for out here. So we'll see. Have a good week and send me an email if you'd like 

1. My little set up 2.0

2. We drive close enough to the beach this week. Not really with a sea horizon, but it's connected to the ocean
3. Transfers
4. President Giménez as a Missionary makes me feel uncomfortable
5. Older picture with Elder Ferry and Palmer. Before I got sheared

6. President Nelson

7. Meme. I don't know if I shared this before

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Week 9 - A Fatted Calf


(It looks like no one got my last weeks email, I didn't know and never re sent it because I've been locked out of my account for like the whole past week. But here it is.)

This is my last 1 digit email. Woah. Also, I have now officially been a Missionary for 2 months as of November 5th.

1. Transfers and Goodbye Elder Ferry
2. Biking
3. A Fatted Calf
4. VeggieTales
5. Missionary vs Salesman Life: Ryan
6. Spiritual Thought

1. President Giménez had some weird things going on with transfers. The whole mission is in chaos. I got transferred into another trio and in a new area. Like what? I was only here for 6 weeks, but now I'm moving. Although I'm now companions with my old zone leader and he's really cool. So I have 5 Mission dads. Elder Palmer, Ferry, Hayes, Vickery, and Bushman. Elder Bushman wasn't technically my Dad, it just feels right for him to be one of my Dads. Anyway, so I feel kinda weird like I miss my old area and didn't feel like I did as much there as I could've, so I'll try to do better here. And, Elder Ferry is dead. He has stinketh for weeks. His parents came from Arizona to pick him up this morning and he's getting released later tonight which is weird to think about. But he will be missed. He's very awkward in a funny way. He also told me a couple of pickup lines which I have chosen not to share. The best way I can describe him is as an older version of my younger brother Owen. It just fits.

2. Well, there were, as it turns out, a couple of things wrong with my bike. I don't remember if I mentioned it earlier, but my back bike brake was broken. It was rubbing against the tire so there was more resistance. I found that out a couple weeks ago but I forgot and so I didn't fix it. So that made it difficult to bike at. My bike also got a flat tire. I don't know when it became flat, it couldn't have been flat for long. And I only noticed it the last time we biked. But it didn't feel much harder to pedal than before so I don't know. So yeah, seriously, I don't know how I have woken up every morning without legs made of solid steel. I should've taken a before picture. I'm not gonna share my leg progress because a lot of people on here probably wouldn't be as impressed. So since my bike was broken, I've borrowed Elder Ferry's bike a couple times while he's doing departing activities. And yeah, his bike is way easier to pedal, I was going into hyperspace. Also his seat is comfortable. But thank goodness we now have a car. Words cannot describe my joy. I have missed driving so much, even though it's not as cool of a car as the Fiesta.

3. Most mornings I eat a decently large breakfast. Pancakes, eggs and bacon or sausage. And last Sunday we had a couple, the Bachs, ask us how our dinner schedule was like this week. Brother Bach said it would be a "fatted calf" meal. That phrase just made me so happy. You know it's going to be a good meal if that's the phrase used to describe it. We went to a Mediterranean restaurant and it was really good. Later, we also had a visit with another family where they gave us a bunch of Halloween candy. We were picking candy from the bowl and I felt like a little kid again. I hadn't had Dots, Whoppers, Crunch, or other candies in sooo long. So, the point of these little stories is: I don't know if I should be concerned for my health or not. I honestly don't think I have gained weight. But in most cases I don't think people notice until the weight is already gained. So that might be what happens so I need to have some more awareness. I haven't gotten on a scale in a good while. I tell myself it's because the scale is broken, which it is, but it's also out of fear. I don't know what to expect or what it will say. I also have noticed my America pants feel like they're getting a little smaller. They still fit fine, but there is a noticeable difference from when I first got them. But like I said I honestly think I'm fine. Biking and exercise have definitely helped. But since I will be in a car, I'll have to take better care of myself. Also since we're getting into Holiday season, which is when all the Elders say they've gained the most weight. So I'll just have to watch myself better. I do have to make an exception for Thanksgiving. I just have to, it's like my second favorite holiday. 

4. So I wasn't planning on making this an actual point in my email, but there was enough I wanted to talk about, so here we are. So, on Friday I don't remember why, but I decided to make an Omelet for Breakfast. There was no reason for this. I was imagining the Omelet from VeggieTales that was described as Fluffy and Light (I haven't seen VeggieTales since I was like what? 6? 8? I do not know why I still remember it). Anyway, I was trying to find an image on FaceBook (which is my new Google) showing this perfectly cooked Omelet from VeggieTales, but didn't find any. but I found this quote from the episode and was inspired by the writers of VeggieTales. In this, the story is something about Omelets but the character is based on Hamlet. And the lesson is on sharing. Here it is from the scene.
"The last poor yolks! I'll chew them well, Horatio.... To eat or not to eat, that is the question. Whether tis nobler to share my eggs cooked light and fluffy or to scarf down the whole thing myself. To share or not to share... Just guess where my ships are. 2B? Not 2B ... Where might I find some toast? Get thee to a bakery."
We don't deserve the writers of this show. 
Like where did that come from? I am impressed and inspired. I also found the Ballad of Little Joe on Facebook. It's the VeggieTales version of Joseph of Egypt. I watched the whole thing, highly recommend it. The intermission song in the episode got me. I'm not gonna say what it was. But yeah, there's a lot of emotional weight to VeggieTales, and it's a lot more entertaining than I remember. So that's the Journey I went on that I just needed to include in this email. My Omelet didn't turn out so well, more like a broken scrambled eggwich with veggies and cheese in between. Image below. I also got a picture of the actual Omelet from VeggieTales for comparison

5. With all these people trying to feed me I have also concluded whether life as a salesman or Missionary is harder for me. And I think overall being a Salesman was harder for me. 
• In sales my days consisted of knocking doors for 7-8 hours a day, making 0 sales a day by myself. The amount of crying would depend on the day. Some days I didn't cry at all, other days, that's all I did. I would average it at 3 crying sessions a day I think. And people laugh at you while you're crying on the side of the road (Just kidding. Actually I guess it's possible but I never saw anyone). But yeah, it's just that nobody likes salesmen. There's a spectrum of love and hate, and for salesmen, you stay at the bottom. It goes generally from people who just don't want to talk to you, to people who will call the cops on you. There were like a couple nice people. Like a random guy gave me a powerade and people gave you water bottles if it was hot. But I can confidently say that no one wants to feed or be nice to some random Joe on their porch.
• As a Missionary, I get a lot of time for studying, and everything you do is geared to focusing on others. You're with someone 24/7 (Which also has its challenges), and I haven't done any tracting which is great. I can also say I haven't officially cried while on the mission so far. I've wanted to, but I haven't had time so I do count it. I did have time while going to bed, but I wasn't sad anymore because I was happy that I was going to bed. On the love hate spectrum, people are all over. You have nice members and cool people. People that are honking, waving, trying to feed me, or things like that. You also have a lot of people in the middle of the spectrum, just other random people. Then, you have the end of the spectrum. Rude people, Satanists, and Bashers. But when people hate you as a Missionary, they really hate you. A lot.
• I am grateful for that summer job experience. It's made the mission easier as I did receive a decently large whoopin. I also have some money for when I get back which is nice. But, let's just say I still have slight PTSD from when I hear Ring's (The Company) doorbell tune.
• But there are definitely parts that were easier in sales and harder on a mission. I would say what makes the two different, when you say that they're harder for different reasons, it centers around the importance of what you were doing. As a salesman you didn't feel like you were doing things as meaningful or important, even if I was working for college. As a Missionary what you do has more depth. It's harder because what you struggle with has more importance, as well as what you see others struggle with.
• So, now I would like to transition to Ryan. I mentioned him last week, but I didn't say much because I didn't know much. He was an inactive member for 20 years I think. We stopped by, left treats, but he kinda ghosted us. But those little stops worked because he called us Sunday a week ago. We visited him Thursday with the Elders Quorum President. He's essentially hit rock bottom. He's 40 years old, struggling with an alcohol addiction and he said he just needs help. When we stopped by, the apartment was a wreck. He was laying on a pullout couch right next to the door, close enough he didn't have to get up to answer it. It had a stench too and he was pretty tipsy. It was interesting. We were still able to have a talk with him and everything and let him know we were here to help. What made me more sad was after the opening prayer he said he really had missed that feeling. But it was great to talk with him. He was just drunk and grateful for us coming by. Well we went by on Friday too (Want to make sure someones coming by everyday). And he was sober. That's when we learned he was really sick. Vomiting a lot so he hadn't been able to eat in days. He was also worried he would get evicted. We left him with a blessing for the sick. But yeah pray for him. He's gone through rehab multiple times, they don't want him back anymore. He's got a wife and a kid that don't live with him, so we're just trying to help him get back on his feet. His parents and the Elders Quorum president are taking the main hold on the situation, we just stop by every once in a while. Or we were, I'm transferred now but Elder Palmer will keep me updated. 

6. I wanted to share this 1 month in or earlier, but I forgot. But, I wanted to share the main things I've learned this far into the mission. 
1) I define Missionary success by how pleased I feel with myself, how much I think God is happy with my effort at the end of the day. Regardless of how many people we've added to our teaching pool. So, the best days I've had are when I feel I've worked the hardest and done my best.
2) I have realized how important the Gospel is to me. I didn't treat it as important growing up, but after this change on the mission I've realized that I didn't study scriptures, pray sincerely or other things as much as I should've. And just realizing how much it has helped in my life. Because I've been told how important it is, but I didn't really take it in as well. So yeah.

But yeah I think that's it for this week. Bashing has been fine, I'm still just completely wrecking them with the Spirit. Although my brain has just felt off this week, it's malfunctioning, I need to take it into the shop or something. This week felt longer because it was the last week of the transfer. Also since it's the first week since I got my haircut. First week is always the hardest. But I just need to take a day off and sleep for like the whole day. Hasta la see ya

- Elder Wride

1. The Bachs gave us these custom waterbottles which were cool. Elder Ferry on a plane haha

2. My Eggwich

3. The VeggieTales Omelet

4. An Englishman with an Omelet
5. I made this cool castle on an exercise machine thing
6+7. Memes

8. I made a Burrito out of my bedding which I am proud of

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Week 8 - The Music Underworld


I'm having a lot of technical difficulties so I hope this works. 

I have officially been in San Diego for 1 Month. I also am about to hit 2 Months as a Missionary on the 6th. So that's cool. This email is long, but you should still read it.

1. The Music Underworld
2. Elder Wride vs Isaiah
3. My Bleach Water Balloon
4. Benjamin - LOTR Analogy
5. I Miss My Car
6. Haircut
7. Update on People we're teaching
8. Spiritual Thought - Prayer

1. So I have gotten more Music on my phone. Like, there aren't a lot of music apps available, so I didn't know where to get music from. But after getting more used to the mission, I've met some people, so I got Music now. I can't talk about it too much, because these are the people the Mission office is looking for. But it's like a Missionary Underworld. That's where you also get shows like the Chosen, Best 2 years, Fighting Preacher or other stuff you can't get on Gospel Library or Saints Channel. Don't worry, I'm not listening to anything apostate. 

2. I made a goal in the MTC to read and understand all the Isaiah Chapters. I mentioned in my email last week that I got to 1 Nephi 20, where he starts quoting Isaiah for the first time. I didn't read it because I just couldn't do it then. I was just having a bad morning. Well, this past week I decided to tackle Him. It has been difficult. I've only gotten through a chapter and a half at this point. I'm going for the Study Diligently approach, and I've spent a lot of time just looking at the words. I've also looked at everything on Gospel Library about it, like Bruce R. McConkie has a talk and the Institute Manuals. But I still need help. I'm not good at deep reading. I don't read or speak Isaiah. The worst part is, I'm not even to the Isaiah chapters in 2 Nephi. Round 2 will come in next week.

3. My last idea for getting the oil stains out of my shirt didn't work. The bleach I used literally advertised working for oil. But basically, it said for best results to soak the clothes and bleach for 30 minutes before washing. Unfortunately, that is not a feature on the washing machine, so I would have to soak it beforehand. We didn't have any buckets or something to soak it in, the only thing that made sense to me was to use garbage bags. The theory was that I could put the clothes and bleach in, and fill it with water, then let it sit for 30 minutes and take it to the laundromat. It was what I thought was the best idea for the time. It got heavier than I thought. I would guess 40 lbs? I'm really bad at guessing weight but it was decently heavy. I wish I had a picture because it just looked like a water balloon. So after 30 minutes we went to the Laundromat. So far so good. But, on the way I had to set it on the ground for a second to readjust my grip. It was a rocky outside floor, and I think something on the ground pierced it because it started leaking. We aren't too far from the Laundromat, so I just started hauling this giant water balloon through the complex parking lot. Yelling to Elder Ferry to hurry and open the door because bleach water was spilling. I got some on my pants and everything. Luckily the bleach was color safe so my pants aren't white. But after all that effort, there's still oil on my shirt. It's gotten a little more gray, over the weeks of trying to remove it, but still noticeable. 

4. So I mentioned last week that I have been trying other methods of contacting people on Facebook. Like joining random groups, introducing myself and talking about the church with people. Nobody's been accepting my friend requests and so I'm trying to improve the efficiency of my Facebook finding. Well I joined another group and the post blew up more than I anticipated. My internet wasn't really working at the time, so I couldn't respond to people, but I could see all the comments. But yeah they were asking stuff about like polygamy, lgbt, race and the priesthood. It was a bit more controversial than the last post. There were like 30 of these comments at this point, only after a couple minutes had gone by. I didn't say a formal prayer, but was sort of like "Help me answer these in a way that leaves these people with a better impression of the church than what they had before." Later when my internet came back, I was saved. There was this guy in the group who was a member and had already answered all the questions, and did so in a pretty good way. I felt so relieved I couldn't even explain it. I messaged him and was like "thanks a lot, you have no idea how much I appreciate that". He said he knew a lot about church history and these sorts of topics. He also served a Mission. But yeah it was super nice. Well the next day there were more comments. We were at like 100 and something comments, including my and Ben's responses. But still, I was trying to stay focused on studies, and it was hard to not start replying to people throughout the day. So I decided to call for aid. Basically, in a Missionary group, I said I need a few people to come join this group and answer some of these questions because there are a lot and I can't right now. This is where I would like to bring in another analogy. I am actually beginning to get concerned for myself by the amount of movie analogies I relate to real life. I promise I didn't just watch movies all the time as a child. I had a life. I just remember what happened in movies really well. Anyway, this one's from Lord of the Rings. It's the scene during Helms Deep, near the end when they retreated inside. But Aragorn is ready to go charge, so he and the king just hop on their horses and go charging, basically bulldozing through the Uruk Hai  at the door. But they're outnumbered. They're fighting away, and then Gandalf and the White Horse appear on the giant hill to the side. And all the Riders of Rohan come up behind Him. Then they all charge down and eventually win the battle. That's the scene. Benjamin and I are the people fighting already, and the Missionaries from the group are Gandalf and the Riders. It was glorious. Just this flood coming in. Go watch the scene, and that's how amazing it was. But, it did get out of control. One of the moderator ladies got kinda mad because all of the sudden all these Missionaries started joining the group, trying to "impose beliefs" on people. She didn't put a stop to things, I was able to calm her down, but yeah. I don't think a whole lot came from that experience. A lot of people said we were racists and a cult, but we did touch some lives I think. For the nice people. I did invite a lot of people to read the Book of Mormon. I don't know if they will. We ended up with 385 comments, and I would say we won the battle.

5. I really have missed my High School car this week and probably will throughout the mission. It was a gray 2014 Ford Fiesta sedan. Manual transmission. And it was glorious. It is an ugly car, but I love it even more because of it. Anyway, this week I keep seeing it. The same car. While my Dad was on a Mission, he said he kept seeing my Mom in people. Like some of the people just looked like her I guess. Well, I keep seeing my car. But it's not like I see the Fiesta in other cars, there's just a lot of Ford Fiestas, mostly gray. And like it makes me sad. That car was amazing, it was so fun to drive. I literally, Mom and Dad, am considering buying it. Wesley, don't you dare crash it.

6. I don't remember if I mentioned it earlier but I needed a Haircut. And I got one this morning. I've accepted my fate. I was concerned because I've never had a Haircut from anyone except my Mom, and I just don't like having short hair. My concern was that the Elder giving me a Haircut wouldn't be as gentle as my Mom in like trying to not completely shave me clean. And he wasn't. In the past couple weeks he's been like "You're getting a haircut." He has just been waiting for this day. Anyway, he shows up with a haircut kit, and whips out different cutting tools and things, shaving cream, and some blue liquid. I asked if we could start with a prayer. I said a quick prayer and we started. He was very thorough with the buzzer things barbers use. He went around my head with it like 10 times, and hair got all over me. I shouldn't have worn my garment shirt because it's like they've changed color. The hairs he cut were so small they just stuck to the shirt. Don't know exactly what I'm gonna do for that. He also put shaving cream on the sides of my head which was cause for concern. He brought out a special razor blade and just cut it on the sides more. I was praying. The hair is definitely a lot shorter than the ones my Mom has done. She made an effort to not make it too short for me. He sheared me like a sheep. I can appreciate his effort, but I have officially concluded that I just don't like short hair. The saying "The difference between a good and a bad haircut is 2 weeks" hasn't helped either.

7. If it wasn't apparent by the amount of time I spend talking to bashers, we don't have a lot of people we're teaching. There's Linda, who moved away. We knocked on her door before she left, but her drunk grandson answered and said "Hail Satan". So we haven't really seen her since. She's not good at responding to texts and things. There's also Jacque. She's been on date for baptism for a long time. She just keeps pushing it back. She wants to get baptized in January so her son can baptize her or something. We're talking to her, but she already knows the gospel well. So, the main thing we've been doing is finding through Facebook, street contacting and member referrals. Not much so far. But, Sunday we did get a call. This is a guy that is inactive and we've knocked on his door before but he never answered so we've just left cards. Anyway he called because he said he's been going through a hard time and is just trying everything to find some peace. So we are meeting with him Thursday. But yeah, most of the things we've been doing are member lessons, and recent convert lessons. Still trying to find people.

7. Okay, this email is going too long, but I wanted to share something spiritual. So this is about prayer. Go look at the picture of the Bible Dictionary definition for prayer. 
Who knew the Bible Dictionary could spit such fire? Anyway, so that's what I've been working on because lately my prayers have not been as meaningful as they should be. So yeah just work in your prayers to unite your will with God's.

Well we also had Zone Conference this week and did a service at the temple. As well as a ward trunk or treat. I guess I didn't talk about them because I just didn't. Sorry this email is really long. It's more for my personal documentation anyways. Email me if you wish, I enjoy it. Have a splendid time.

- Elder Wride

1. Zone Conference
2. Cool Temple Picture. We hung up Christmas lights so I'll just talk about it more when they turn them on.
3. What Facebook work looks like. Elder Henrie from our district
4. The Fiesta in its Prime. Those are Lightning McQueen lucky stickers. My sister took them off like a day later because she didn't like them and I never got new ones. My main regret is that I didn't turn the tires for the real kachow
5. Prayer in the Bible Dictionary

6. Meme

Week 102.5 - The End

My dear friends, I am writing to you from the comforts of my home, Sandy Utah. I am no longer Elder, but Brother Wride. I just landed in Uta...