Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Week 6 - Mega Chair


The weeks are blending together so I'm not exactly sure what happened this week.

1. Mega Chair
2. Elder Palmer - Shrek and Singing
3. I'm a Bully
4. Moises
5. President Giménez

1. I keep forgetting to talk about Mega Chair. The night I got here my companions showed me Mega Chair. They had two extra chairs in the apartment, and so instead of getting rid of one or just leaving it, they decided to duct tape them together. Elder Ferry used to put his bike behind, but I kept knocking it over because I wasn't used to having twice the chair. So that's Mega Chair. It's pretty cool I guess. It's whatever. They both have nicer spinning chairs, but my chair has a cool name.

2. Before I start, I want to say that Elder Palmer is a great companion and we get along well. We have our differences and that's ok. But, Elder Palmer does not like Shrek. And Shrek is basically my Spirit Animal. Shrek 1 & 2 are way up there on favorite movies. So yeah Elder Palmer not liking Shrek represents a major difference in our personalities. That's been difficult because Shrek is just so good. One other thing, he has also ruined the song "I'm Yours" by Jason Mraz. He keeps playing it on the Ukulele and singing along, which is not super easy on the ears. That is one of many songs that he has ruined for me. And I would just like to say, I know I sang a lot back home and with friends and whatever. You have my sincere and heartfelt apologies if I caused any pain or suffering.

3. Something crucial for me to be able to have a good relationship with someone is if I can tease them. Me and my MTC companion had that a lot. But I think I may have taken it to another level. I can't help it. If someone says something, and I think of a savage and kind of rude reply I can't contain myself. But it's not serious, I don't think. I haven't made anyone cry, but Sister Gimenez said we can cry, just to cry in the shower. I'm trying to get better at being polite.

4. I technically placed my First Book of Mormon. Or co-placed I guess. It wasn't one that I brought, but I helped give it to someone (Although earlier Elder Ferry gave someone a Book of Mormon, but it was in a different language so I don't think it counts because I didn't talk). But yeah, we were just chillin at the park, about to go finding, going over goals for the time. And then a Mexican guy named Moises came over and asked if we wanted any food. He and some of his buddies were cooking chicken and quesadillas. So we went over there, introduced ourselves and started talking to him. We talked about God, Prophets, etc. and he accepted a Book of Mormon. He said he would read it that night and seemed very genuine. We will see how he is doing next Sunday, when he said to contact him. 

5. Also last Wednesday we had interviews with President Giménez. I really liked it. Over the past couple weeks I've really just been trying to figure out little ways to build up a desire to be working out here. But I do honestly just want to go to college. It hasn't been comforting to hear many missionaries out here, who have been out here a while longer than I have, still are trunky (trunky means wanting to go home for those who don't get mission slang). So that's what we talked about. And I liked how he said you either do missionary work out of duty, responsibility, or you want to do it. And for each aspect of missionary work, I should work to try and move to wanting to do it. So that's what I have been working on. 

Well sorry, I don't feel like this week's email was that interesting or entertaining. In fact, let me know if my past emails are or aren't entertaining so I can know whether or not I should try. Because it is draining. But, I didn't really try this week so, sorry. But I also don't much care.

Last point: One Elder said that on a mission you should "Keep your heart locked, but your eyes open." That killed me. Well I hope you all have a good week, email me if you so desire. Love you all!
- Elder Wride

1. Apartment
2. Mega Chair and Desk
3. Meme

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